Return and Refund Policy

Return and Refund Policy

Dear Customers,

As CharmieTR, we aim to ensure that you are satisfied with the products you purchase. However, sometimes expectations may not be met and an item may need to be returned. In this case, we have prepared our policy below to help you understand how our return and refund process works.

Return Conditions

  1. Return Period: Returns can be made within 30 days from the date of purchase.
  2. Product Condition: Returned products must be in their original condition, unused and with tags.
  3. Return Procedure: You can make your return request via or by contacting our customer services.
  4. Return Shipping Fees:Return shipping fees are covered by the customer, but if the product is faulty or incorrectly shipped, these fees will be covered by CharmieTR.

Refund Process

  1. Refund Approval: After the returned products arrive at our warehouse, their condition will be checked and the refund will be approved.
  2. Refund Method: Once the return is approved, payment will be made using the same payment method. The reflection of the payment in your account may vary depending on your bank's transaction processes.
  3. Refund Period: Refund is usually issued within 5-10 business days after return approval.


Please note that certain product categories (personal care products, discounted items, etc.) may not be refundable or may be subject to special return policies.

Help and Support

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at The satisfaction of our valued customers is our top priority.

Thank you, CharmieTR